Copyright management and control

Yours means yours! 

Keep control over your copyrighted content and intellectual property in real-time or restrain broadcasts and your cooperation with media outlets thanks to reliable and objective monitoring without being dependent on broadcast post logs or unverified 3rd party data.

Monetize fully on your media assets and defend your business and intellectual interests thanks to the advanced RUNCOGNITION capabilities and reliability. Get notified as soon as your content is being broadcasted or generate retrospective data log overviews with exact airing times.

Retain control of what is yours and make sure you get all your copyrights, royalty and license fees by detecting every unauthorized or undeclared usage of your creations and media assets.

You fear abuse of your work and property or modfication of your content by 3rd parties? RUNCOGNITION will identify it straight away as a possible match or as a new version, enabling you to protect your creative works and retain full control over your audio video assets.

retain control now


Simply import the content of interest and RUNCOGNITION will process its AV data creating a unique fingerprint.


RUNCOGNITION will monitor 24/7 any AV feed and will recognize your content as soon as it runs on it. 

Data log

The run of the content will be recorded with metadata to it – media, version, length, exact time etc.